Reclaim your health and sanity and finally start thriving in your life as a Mum to your neurospicy kid/s.

WILDFIT®️ Works!

Welcome to my website. My name is Rachel Franke and I am a certified WILDFIT®️ Coach. I support my clients with a mix of honesty, humour and compassion as they transform their health (both mental and physical), rediscover their self-confidence, sense of self-worth and finally start to live the life they feel they were meant to be living.

Together we explore the impact of nutrition and mindset on your overall well-being, and develop ways you can prioritise self-care without being racked with guilt. 

I provide you with the tools and support you need to improve your physical health and your mental resilience to the many day-to-day stresses in your life. 

I am dedicated to supporting you in coping with the unique challenges you face. You are not alone and you CAN do this.

The WILDFIT®️ 90 day plan helps to improve your relationship with food through a powerful combination of solid nutritional principles and effective behavioural change techniques. Our aim is that you can permanently transform your feelings about food, love the way you look and embrace the lifestyle you want to lead.

Back To Spring is a 5 week programme for WILDFIT®️ graduates. It’s the boost you need in order to remind yourself: you’re worth it.

Nobody has ever regretted putting their health first.


Continued support for WILDFIT®️ graduates, with a WhatsApp group, ever-expanding collection of recipes and articles related to all things Living WILDFIT®️, monthly Group coaching calls and discount on private coaching.

My WILDFIT®️ Journey